Streamline Your Business with Minimalism: Embrace Efficiency Through Decluttering

Every once in a while when I get overwhelmed with life and my business, I get what Kendra Adachi calls ‘Big Black Trash Bag Energy’, which is to say I want to get big black trash bags and throw everything away. I want to burn it all down and start over. Instead of doing that, I try to pause and intentionally see where there is friction and start there to declutter and streamline.

This used to happen a LOT more than it does now…

When I first started my business, I wanted to appear successful, so I looked up to a photographer who was much further along in her journey. She had a busy studio with multiple clients every day, associate photographers, and it seemed like she paid herself well. I tried to emulate her by using the same studio management software, signing up for the newsletter service she used, and even getting t-shirts with my logo on them (which I only wore around the house).

But to my surprise, none of these things brought me what I really needed: clients and revenue, along with a smooth workflow. Instead, I ended up with high subscription costs, software that I struggled to understand, and a newsletter service that made me feel guilty because I didn't know much about email marketing. I had unknowingly added more things to my business without considering what I truly needed or how I wanted to work. It only added clutter, both financially and mentally.

The truth was, I didn't want to have multiple photoshoots every day, manage a team of photographers, or invest in complex software for just a few clients a week. What I really wanted was sales and the ability to leave my day job behind.

The day I made the decision to focus on one offer, two marketing strategies, and create a streamlined workflow for my business was the day everything changed. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, and I started making real progress toward success. It was a turning point in my entrepreneurial journey.

In summary, trying to imitate someone else's success without considering our own needs and goals can lead to unnecessary clutter and overwhelm. Finding our own path and focusing on what truly matters is the key to achieving tangible progress and reaching our desired level of success.

How do you declutter your business and streamline it for more progress, without Big Black Trash Bag Energy? By embracing minimalism in business. So, let's declutter those processes and unlock a world of possibilities!

Assessing Your Current Processes

Take a step back and assess your current business processes. Identify areas where things feel cluttered, inefficient, or redundant. WHERE IS THE FRICTION? Are there tasks that drain your time and don't align with your goals? By gaining clarity on the areas that need improvement, you can pave the way for a more streamlined and efficient business. I like to look at what steps my clients take, and what steps my team or I take when interacting with them.


A confused customer says no. Most businesses have an MVP product that is clearly more profitable, and truly, more fun to deliver. I’m a big fan of knowing what your offer is, keeping it simple, and marketing that one thing really well. Now, this doesn’t work for everyone, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, and sales aren’t where you want them to be, consider decluttering your offers to just 1-3 that you can focus on. Chances are, your gut knows which ones need to be archived for a bit.

Simplifying Your WorkFlows

Simplifying your workflows is key to achieving maximum efficiency. Look for opportunities to automate repetitive tasks, standardize procedures, and document your processes. Embrace technology and tools that can streamline your operations, saving you time and effort. Remember, simplicity is your ally in reclaiming your time and reducing overwhelm. What is the simplest, easiest magic wand answer to get to the desired outcome? I like to apply this question to each part of my business: customer communication, marketing strategy, administrative tasks, content creation, etc.

Eliminating Non-Essential Tasks and Reducing Overhead

It's time to let go of non-essential tasks and reduce unnecessary overhead costs. Identify activities that don't directly contribute to your business goals and find ways to eliminate or delegate them. By focusing on what truly matters, you can free up valuable time and resources to invest in activities that drive growth and profitability. You guys know I love the Eisenhower Method for this (free download here!!), as it helps me see in an instant what I can delegate, and what doesn’t even need to be done. I also recommend making a list of services and tools that you currently are using and see which ones are time savers, and which ones are time wasters. We’ve all got them! Declutter what isn’t working for you now.

Maintaining Minimalism for Long-Term Success

Minimalism in business is not a one-time effort; it's a mindset and a continuous journey. Regularly evaluate and adjust your processes, seek feedback from your team and clients, and embrace a culture of continuous improvement. What you choose to keep, or eliminate will be different for each of us, but constantly looking for ways to remove friction is worth it. By staying committed to minimalism, you'll maintain efficiency, prevent clutter from creeping back in, and set the stage for long-term success.

Remember, simplifying your processes and eliminating non-essential tasks and services will open doors to increased earnings and a more fulfilling business journey. Now, go declutter, streamline, and soar to new heights of success!

What’s one thing you can declutter from your business now?


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