10 ways I’m taking care of my mental health as a business owner and mother.

*I had a different blog post scheduled for today about simplifying your offerings to create more revenue, but feeling called to share some real-life vulnerability with you instead.

Last night, I experienced a bit of a meltdown. It wasn't triggered by any specific reason, but rather a sudden rush of existential crisis and anxiety that I felt in my chest. You know, the type of feeling that you normally keep to yourself as you criticize yourself for feeling down when you have a wonderful family and a successful business? Am I the only one who goes through this?

The reality is that even after a decade of entrepreneurship, I still have days where I feel like I’m not making progress fast enough, I feel like everyone else is doing XYZ better than me, and also the world is burning around us and WHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT IT?!

In years past, I would have suffered in silence, had a few glasses of wine, or passive-aggressively picked a fight with my spouse. However, it’s 2023, and we’re all about our mental health these days, thank goodness.

Instead what I did was:
1) Took my kids to the park, so they could get their energy out while I sat in blissful silence in my car. I had the windows open for fresh air and Vitamin D.

2) Did a workout on my Peloton. No, I didn’t want to, but I know that endorphins fix a lot. (If you try it, Kendall is always my go-to on down days!)

3) Talked to my husband. Just overshared and analyzed and talked.

4) Called a good friend and shared with her my feelings. She reminded me that sharing with our loved ones is never a burden, and carrying the mental load together lightens it.

5) I did have a glass of wine. And I enjoyed it.

6) This morning, I made a list of all the things I am doing well, the things that are working in my favor, and really sat in gratitude.

7) I listened to this meditation, recommended by a friend.

8) Had reiki done by a member here at CoHo.

9) Took action. Jumped into my to-do list without overthinking. Action is the enemy of anxiety, and making progress did provide real relief.

10) Hydrated. Just adding this to remind you that your body needs basic care, and neglecting your body never makes you a better business owner.

The Cast of Ted Lasso speaks at the White House in support of Mental Health Care.

Have you seen this clip of the Ted Lasso cast speaking at the White House about Mental Health? It’s quick, and I shared it on Instagram as well. Worth the watch.

It's important to remember that while we pursue our entrepreneurial aspirations, we must prioritize our well-being as humans first and foremost. As the heart of our businesses, taking care of our health is essential. It's common for CEOs to experience moments of unhappiness or pessimism, even though we tend to keep such feelings to ourselves. Our strength and determination as leaders comes from our ability to recognize and address our mental health needs.

I hope these tips help you next time you’re having a down day, and you can remind yourself that you’re amazing, you’re right on track in your journey, and everything is happening for you!

Have other mental health tips you rely on? Hit connect below and let me know. I’d love to compile more tips for our community.

*While there are many resources available, I’ll leave this one here as a starting point, if you want to look for more professional help.


Simplify Your Offerings to Generate More Revenue


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