Time Management Hack: Get the right things done.

Let me set the scene: It’s 2020, my kids are remote-schooling due to Covid, and all three of us are trying (frantically) to work at CoHo.

As I was preparing for my meeting with a business mentor, I had a long list of things in my notebook under the heading: MUST DO. Most revolved around ‘how to make this business survive a pandemic’, combined with getting our home ready to be sold*, and also normal family stuff, like scheduling the dog’s vet appointment.

We hop on our Zoom, and when I showed her my list, she laughed and asked me to circle the single most important task. I hesitated, explaining that they were all important, but she insisted that some were MORE important and some were LESS important. She also suggested that some probably didn’t need to be done at all, and some could be delegated.

After some reflection, I finally circled the one task that I felt was the most crucial, for both my business and our home. Surprisingly, focusing on that one task allowed me to make significant progress in my business goals, and I realized that sometimes, prioritizing is more important than trying to tackle everything at once.

My mentor's advice helped me to understand that not all tasks are equal and that sometimes it's necessary to prioritize and focus on what's truly important.

Since then, I’ve learned about what is called the Eisenhower Method, and this is where my productivity really has soared (without more hustle).

The Eisenhower Method is a popular time management strategy for prioritizing tasks based on their level of urgency and importance. It was named after former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was known for his effective time management skills. The method categorizes tasks into four quadrants:

  1. Urgent and important tasks, which must be done immediately and take top priority.

  2. Important but not urgent tasks, which can be scheduled and planned for in the near future.

  3. Urgent but not important tasks, which can be delegated to someone else to handle.

  4. Not urgent and not important tasks, which can be eliminated or postponed indefinitely.

By sorting tasks into these quadrants, you can prioritize your to-do list and focus on what truly matters, while delegating or eliminating less critical tasks.

I don’t care if you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or the CEO of your own small business, this method works.

I have designed a simple and convenient template that you can download and keep at your desk to try out the Eisenhower Method for prioritizing your tasks. Click HERE to get that!

This method helps me figure out in 1 minute or less what I’m going to work on when I sit down for those precious hours I’m working. No longer do I wander from email box to email box, or worse, '“check on social media” when really the priority needs to be something else. It also helps me consistently delegate to my team; otherwise, I would never think of things to give away.

Have you heard of this method before? I’d love to hear if you try it out for a couple of weeks and if it makes a difference to your productivity and stress levels! Grab your free download and let me know!

*Yes, I am insane and decided to fix up and sell our home in 2020, while remote schooling two kids and growing my business. Best decision ever.


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