Boost Your Results with Less Effort: The Secret of Intentional Living

I breathed out hard while curling the sandbag to my chest. I was back in the studio, working out with Alicia at Endurafit, and despite having been a client for the past few years, was focusing on every movement and every rep like never before. She corrected my stance, and we finished the set. My legs were shaking and it felt great.

I get just two workouts with her each week, and I realized on my drive in that day that if I was taking the time out of my schedule to drive there, do a workout, and then drive home, I should be making the most of every minute. It’s time I’m taking away from my other goals, and my health IS a top priority for me, so why did I feel like I was just going through the motions so often? Why would I put in all that time, but not the focus, to reach my goals? I was making this harder on myself than it needed to be, and that wasn’t going to work anymore.

Time to let it be easy.

Since that day, I habit stack. I make sure that I listen to an uplifting podcast or audible book on my drive there and back, I focus on my workouts and nothing else while I’m there, and I reward myself with an iced coffee after (ok, that’s not a habit, that’s a reward!)

This realization got me thinking about other areas of my life where I’m ‘mailing it in’ or operating on automatic, instead of giving something my all. Where else was I making it harder to reach my goals, instead of just focusing and getting to the result faster?

In a world filled with distractions and constant busyness, it's all too easy to go through the motions without truly engaging in what we're doing. As I've come to realize, being intentional is not just a buzzword or a fleeting trend; it's a transformative mindset that can elevate every aspect of our lives, including our careers.

Now, I don’t think you need to go hard in every area of your life, every day. Of course not.

But how many hours a day do you get to actually focus on your work or your dream? During that time, are you checking social media, answering school emails, or swapping the laundry?

How much time do you get to recharge your own batteries every day? Are you spending that time feeling guilty for not being more productive?

Being intentional is not a passive act; it's an active choice to fully engage with the task at hand. It's about giving your all, whether you're lifting weights, setting down to write your newsletter, or tackling any other challenge life throws your way. It's about acknowledging that every movement, every rep, and every breath matters.

But HOW to be more intentional, Kristin?? I’m glad you asked.

Set Clear Goals: Start by defining your goals in various aspects of your life, whether it's in your career, personal development, relationships, or health. Having clear objectives will give you a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier to focus your efforts intentionally.

Prioritize and Eliminate Distractions: Identify the key activities and tasks that align with your goals. Then, eliminate distractions and interruptions during the time you've allocated for these activities. This might involve turning off notifications, creating a dedicated workspace, or setting specific times for focused work.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. This involves being fully present in the moment, whether you're working on a project, spending time with loved ones, or simply taking a break. Mindfulness helps you appreciate the significance of each moment and make the most of it.

It’s really the easy path to getting more results, with the same amount (or less) effort.

In a world that often encourages multitasking and constant distractions, the power of being intentional cannot be overstated. It's a mindset that allows you to bring your full focus, energy, and dedication to the tasks and goals that truly matter to you. By setting clear goals, prioritizing, and practicing mindfulness, you can cultivate intentionality in your life.

So, I invite you to reflect on your own life and identify an area where you want to be more intentional. Whether it's in your career, relationships, health, or personal growth, take the first step toward intentional living. Share this post with someone in your life who could benefit from this mindset shift and encourage them to join you on this journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life. Together, we can make every moment count.


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