Goal-Setting Magic: Are You Interested or Committed?

Yikes - a goal-setting post at the end of December? How cliché! 😉 However, if you read my work, you’re probably a big fan of achievement, like myself, so while I AM setting goals for the future, I thought I’d share that process with you. A quick reminder - there’s no one way to set goals, and what works for you one year might not work for you another year. Be curious and see what feels easy!

Picture me, coffee in hand, sitting in the sunny McGuire Library at Coworking House, flipping through the pages of "The 12 Week Year" for our monthly book club. While I won't slap on the full five stars for this book, there's this one question from author Brian P. Moran that's been on replay in my mind:

Are you interested in that, or are you committed to that?

Mind. Blown.

Can you even fathom all the things I'm interested in? Podcasting, snagging speaking gigs, hosting networking dinners, maybe joining an adult soccer league, mastering sourdough alchemy, selling Etsy's cutest tees, and tackling the piano. All things that I have impulsively considered starting in just the past month.

But, the plot thickens—what am I committed to? The answer, after much reflection, is just two top-secret goals, and yes, the suspense lingers. A short list, but major impact. Shifting gears from 'interested' to 'committed' is like recalibrating your life compass. It's not about the sheer number of interests; it's about zeroing in on what truly deserves your time and attention.

As we gear up for the new year, let's not merely jot down resolutions that sound good, or that we see another person resolving for. Let's get down and dirty with what we're committed to achieving. Brew yourself that cup of ambition and ask: What's my true commitment this year?


Not sure? While brainstorming, I like to ask myself these questions:

Leverage the 80/20 Rule:

Identify the 20% of activities that will yield 80% of your desired results. Focus on the high-impact actions that align with your long-term vision. This principle helps you streamline your efforts, ensuring maximum impact with minimal input. This could be choosing to go all in one social media platform, for example, if 80% of your audience is on there, versus spending time trying to build your brand on three or four different platforms.

Shift Focus to Controllable Inputs:

Recognize that outcomes are often beyond our control, but our inputs are not. Instead of fixating on the end results, concentrate on the actions and habits you can consistently commit to. This shift in mindset empowers you to stay motivated and resilient, irrespective of external variables. What would happen if you committed to writing every day for 30 minutes? The habit would likely lead to you finish that book you want to write, even if ‘finish the book’ isn’t the goal you stick up on the wall.

Zero In on One Transformative Habit or Action:

Pinpoint the one habit or act that can serve as the linchpin for your broader goal. Whether it's a daily routine, a weekly commitment, or a monthly milestone, identifying this core element allows you to channel your energy effectively. It's about creating a ripple effect where one powerful action sets the tone for overall success. Maybe it’s deciding to cook at home every night, which ripples to improve your health, your finances, and your family dynamic over the dinner table.


This formula isn't just for wishful thinking; it's your secret sauce for health goals, business dreams, personal pursuits—you name it. Apply this commitment litmus test across the board. It's the glue that binds your aspirations to real, tangible results. Whether you're finishing your first ultra marathon, launching a startup, or mastering the art of juggling—commitment is your north star.

And here's the kicker—no need to pledge allegiance to a goal-setting strategy for 12 months straight. Let's be real; life throws curveballs, and priorities shift. Why not give it a whirl for just Q1? Test the waters, and see how this commitment magic works in the short term—no need to commit to a marathon when you can crush a 5K first.

So, as you set sail into the new year, armed with your committed goals, remember this isn't a binding contract for eternity. Take it one quarter at a time, adjust your sails as needed, and revel in the progress. Cheers to a year of purpose, commitment, and the thrill of the unknown! 🌟

Psst - know someone else who loves to set goals? I’d be honored if you sent them this post. Supporting our community is something I am COMMITTED to. 😊 Thanks!


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